Didn’t get funding to come to Conference?  Still want to know what goes on?  Here are some of the people covering it.

http://lianzablog2009.datacom.co.nz – A suite of blogs featuring such blogoholics as LibraryKris, Corin Haines and our own Mo-mo.  See what’s been updated lately via Netvibes.

http://ania30.wordpress.com/ – Library student and winner of Te Hikuwai Region scholarship Hydestor prize

http://deborahfitchett.blogspot.com/ – Live-blogged last year, likely to update regularly this.

http://diligentroom.wordpress.com/ – Many hands make light work?

http://www.paulhayton.co.nz/blog – Inveterate web 2.0er, presenting on such at conference.

http://cclbibliofile.wordpress.com/ – Christchurch City Libraries professional blog. They’ll be sending a swag of staff along some of whom will blog it.

There’s also the Twitterati – this just a selection of folks who may be tweeting during conference. Add them to your following list to keep an eye on what they have to say.

Ania30 MagLib Paddy Plunket Vye Perrone Moira Fraser Chelsea@NatLib Brenda Chawner Kris Hana Mirla Adrian Corin Susanne Newton Courtney@NatLib Paul Hayton Deborah Fitchett Nat Torkington Tim Greig Aotearoa People’s Network

The FriendFeed will also let you know what’s coming through via blogs, Twitter, Flickr, and Youtube to do with LIANZA Conference 2009.  And as always, if you know of someone who’s feeding their conference experience out via the web then post the URL as a comment below.

This is it, the final pre-conference  post for this year’s Conference blog! After 18 months of hard graft, LIANZA 2009 Conference is just around the corner.

Thanks for reading, thanks for watching, thanks for sharing, thanks for commenting. We’ve loved having you along for the ride.

If you are all packed and ready to come to LIANZA 2009 Conference, then we are looking forward to meeting you next week 😉

If you are staying behind to hold the fort while other folks attend LIANZA 2009 Conference, we want to say a huge thank you because we know that you will be working darn hard while they are away. Thank you for allowing your colleagues come to Christchurch, we promise to take good care of them, we’ll show them a great time and we’ll return them to you inspired, full of passion and enthusiasm.

Whether you are here or there, or somewhere in between, you’ll want to keep up-to-date with the state of play over Conference. So check out our Monday post on who will be vlogging, blogging, tweeting, uploading, commenting, tagging, dancing, singing, talking and sharing their impressions of conference. Add your comments and your feedback, and if you want to ask a question or two, then don’t hesitate.

Thank you for being part of the LIANZA 2009 Conference community. We look forward to meeting many of you in Christchurch, and hearing from lots more of you virtually.

So long. Farewell. Thank you and good night.

Even this kitten is on Twitter so why arent you social networking

Making IT (and kittens) work for you

Corin Haines is the Manager of Digital Services at Manukau Libraries and will be delivering a session on IT at this year’s conference.  We asked him if he’d care to enlighten us on what he’ll be talking about and he said yes.  Yay!

Last week I listened to a fantastic interview with Courtney Johnston from National Library in the New Technology section of Kathryn Ryan’s Nine-Noon show. In this she talked about the use of technology in the GLAM sector, which was perfectly timed for me as I refine one of the sessions I will be co-presenting at Conference. Courtney’s enthusiasm and passion for this area, served to remind me of exactly why the potential of social media is so wonderful for libraries.

The Tuesday of Conference is sponsored by Datacom and in the morning of this day I am presenting a session called “Making IT work for you” with Warwick Grey from H.P. In this session we will look at new technology, how you can use it and how you can leverage social media to engage with library customers.

In the social media part of our talk, we will look at how to use a mini video camera to quickly film online content and upload it to make it available in minutes. How to take multiple information sources and create a Mash Up and generate new content. How Twitter can be used within the library setting to not only engage with library users online, but create communities of interest.

Also, this year during conference I will be tweeting and vlogging my conference experience. This will include covering sessions, conversations with vendors and attendees, and of course the social activities.

Social media is all around us and libraries are perfectly placed to take advantage of it to connect with their customers. In fact it is already being used by libraries in New Zealand and around the world to great effect, and the best thing is it is achievable, low cost and usually requires little infrastructure. I hope you come along to our Tuesday morning session and take advantage of the other sessions at conference dealing with social media, and if you haven’t already begin to dip your feet in the water.

Come on in, the water’s fine!

There’s something about a collective noun. They are quite odd and often funny. Christchurch City Libraries has a cool page of collective nouns for groups of animals. I like the idea of a flange of baboons and a crash of rhinoceroses.

At conference time Christchurch will be thrumming to the rhythm of lots of librarians. What could we call these groups of librarians en masse? My coinage is a susurrus of librarians (see the rather nifty All sorts collective nouns site for other librarian collective nouns and more).  Got any suggestions?


As you may have already discovered, we’ve been talking about and promoting conference via this blog, the LIANZA website, Twitter, Facebook, Library Life, LIANZA regional newsletters & blogs, flickr.com, list-serv announcements and word-of-mouth.

We’ve got some questions for you, the potential conference attendee.

Firstly, we’d like to feedback about what’s working for you in terms of finding out about conference.

Are you taking advantage of RSS feeds? Do you re-Tweet? Are you a “long-time lurker, first-time commenter”? Are you using the LIANZA09 tag?

We’d like to know how you are talking about conference, in your workplace, with colleagues, on list-servs, throughout your regions.

Secondly, how will you be reporting while you are at conference? Are you planning to blog during conference – will it be via a personal blog or a workplace blog? Will you be tweeting? Will you be updating your Facebook page? Are you likely to use mobile technology?

The week prior conference we’ll be looking to promote ways in which those folks who can’t make conference can keep up-to-date with the happenings at conference. We’d like to give your online presence a plug, so we’ll be putting out the call for links to your online conference reporting – so be prepared to send us a link or two.

Well isn’t Twitter just the social networking tool du jour?  Everyone from John Campbell to Miley Cyrus to Oliver Driver’s dog Jack (every man and his dog really do have a Twitter account) is on there…and so are we!  Though we’ve got significantly less “followers” than those three.  Less popular than a quasi-celebrity dog, that’s us!

But we do have what I consider to be a very healthy 76 followers.  So what if Miss Cyrus has over a million?  And Jack Driver has over 400?  Well, okay we might be a wee bit jealous so do us a favour and make friends with us in the Twitterverse? 

In return we’ll keep you posted on Conference related developments such as when Earlybird Registrations open (very imminent) and what’s hot in the Conference Programme (including the social side of things)  and we’ll be doing it in the most succinct fashion possible.

Please come tweet with us…and all together now “He rocks in the treetops all day long, hopping and a bopping and a singing his song…”

We asked  and you told us (all 6 of you) that a conference Twitter would be a useful and fun way of staying in touch with the big and small of the 2009 Conference so we did it.

http://twitter.com/Lianzacon2009  The ‘con’ stands for Conference by the way.

Join in, get following and tell your library friends and colleagues to get tweeting.  As a useful aside, we think setting up a twitter to follow a Lianza conference would sit very nicely in your Body Of Knowledge journal for those looking for revalidation of your professional registration.  BOK element 7 perhaps or maybe 8.

Following us on the blog? Got us on your RSS radar? Watching the list-servs?

We’re thinking about tweeting, and so is Libby Church. There seems to be quite a few NZ librarians out there in the Twitter-sphere so we’re wondering if this might be another way to keep in touch. Any feedback happily received.