If you start knitting now you could totally have this finished by October

If you start knitting now you could totally have this finished by October

Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?

Civilian: Oh, you’re organising/going to a conference…for librarians.

Librarian: Yep.

Civilian: Well what do a bunch of librarians do for a work conference, compare cardigans?  Have cups of tea? Talk really quietly?

Sometimes it’s hard to get across the breadth and depth of what goes on at a LIANZA conference and if you’ve never been to one, well, you really don’t know what you’re missing.

Now that I’m a veteran of exactly one LIANZA conference I can say that what I get out of it is a mixture of affirmation that so many others in the LIS arena have the same experiences and issues, as well as a bunch of new ideas and perspectives on a variety of topics.  And I’d be lying if the dinners and conviviality didn’t factor into the mix.

But hey, maybe what you’re after really is a “parade of cardigans”?  Even though it’s still many months hence, what are you hoping that LIANZA conference 2009 holds in store?  You never know, people in charge of things might be listening.